Anupama 26th October 2023 Written Episode 1085

Anupama 26th October 2023 Written Updates

The present Anupama 26th October 2023 episode begins with Anupama asking Toshu and Kinjal for what good reason they unexpectedly chose to pass on the family and shift to a far off country.

Anupama says that speculation regarding their own future isn’t something awful yet asks Toshu and Kinjal for what reason they chose to leave in this present circumstance as the family needs them more in this current circumstance.

Toshu lets Anupama know that they can’t meander openly outside the house and in any event, remaining inside startles them because of the feeling of dread toward assaults.

Anupama says that she anticipated nothing more from Toshu except for questions Kinjal about how she chose to leave the family like this when she was so associated with everybody and really focused on them more than her better half.

Anupama lets them know that she is miserable over the way that Toshu and Kinjal are leaving the country because of dread of liabilities as opposed to the desire for a more promising time to come.

Leela comes to Anupama while she remains inside the kitchen and tells her that she has now lost both of her grandkids with Samar dead and Toshu leaving.

Anupama says that she is attempting to handle the circumstances that God is turning her direction so she can battle against them successfully after which she eats kheer and takes care of Leela as well.

Leela gets a piece befuddled as Anupama says that she has thought something in regards to Dimple.

Afterward, Malti Devi keeps on contemplating Barkha’s words about Anupama being the proprietor of all that has a place with Anuj.

Anupama and Anuj go into the house with Dimple and her baggage which leaves everybody in the Kapadia family a piece shocked.

Malti Devi welcomes Dimple happily and acclaims her for picking craftsmanship as her living reason as one ought to have the option to forfeit anything for the workmanship they need to sustain.

Anuj gazes at Malti Devi with making a decision about eyes after hearing that proclamation while Anupama says that Dimple will live with them for the following couple of days.

Barkha inquires as to whether she is okay now while Pakhi asks Dimple not to make them blameworthy all the time with her insults like Anupama.

In the wake of settling Dimple in her room, Anupama comes to Pakhi and asks her not to create problems with Dimple as she is impulsive and needs harmony for certain says.

As Anupama reminds Pakhi that Dimple is pregnant with a kid, Pakhi says that Anupama is leaning toward Dimple since she can become a mother.

Pakhi gets some information about her bitterness in regards to her powerlessness to become a mother, to which Anupama asks Pakhi not to involve her sadness as a weapon.

Anupama lets Anuj know how Pakhi becomes deplorable with her obstinate outlook now and again when Malti Devi comes and tells her and Anuj that she will care for the family issues from here on out.

Be that as it may, Anupama requests that Malti Devi invest her energy with Anu openly as she is fit for taking care of different things without help from anyone else.

Barkha comes and advises Malti Devi to quit endeavoring such humiliating tricks as she can never replace Anupama.

Around evening time, Anupama plays a voice message from Leela requesting that she stop with the case as everybody has given up after which Anupama inquires as to why she needs to follow through on such a significant expense to look for equity.

Anuj says that it is the same old thing for others to leave her at whatever point she has battled against foul play yet Anupama lets him know that he has never deserted her in circumstances like these.

The day of Dusshera shows up and Anuj, Anupama, and Devika prepare to execute something that they have arranged.

They examine their arrangement and Anupama expresses that there is an enormous gamble to which Anuj concurs yet requests that Anupama and Devika continue with the set course.

End of Anupama the present episode composed update. To download Anupamaa Hindi Sequential all episodes or watch the present full episode (26 October 2023) on the web, go to

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