Anupama 10th December 2023 Written Episode 1132

Anupama 10th December 2023 Written Updates

The present Anupama tenth December 2023 episode begins with Vanraj figuring out that Pakhi isn’t at home and has headed off to some place with her companion.

Vanraj says that he would have dropped her at her objective to which Leela says that Vanraj isn’t a driver and ought to zero in on his work all things being equal.

Discussing how Pakhi’s parents in law would fault them assuming anything occurred, Vanraj takes a stab at calling Pakhi to gain proficiency with her whereabouts.

In the mean time, Pakhi remains in the line behind Dimpy and Titu and clicks their photos together, wanting to utilize them later.

Simultaneously, Anu takes a chocolate from the cooler and spots Anupama standing when she inquires as to whether she will be reproved for eating chocolate as well.

Anupama says that she won’t reprimand anybody as she wants chocolate herself when Anupama and Anu sit and begin eating their chocolates.

She behaves like she is conversing with Devika on the telephone and says thanks to her for shielding her from the harassers in the school as Anupama would be shocked to go there as a result of them.

Anu inquires as to whether Devika is her dearest companion to which Anupama says that Devika is like a superhuman to her who makes the best choice for her companion.

Anupama makes sense of for Anu that an individual who safeguards the feeble is a superman though an individual who menaces the frail turns into the reprobate.

In the interim, Vanraj at last will converse with Pakhi when she shows him the area of the occasion deliberately so Vanraj can see Dimpy with Titu.

Vanraj gets set off, requesting that Pakhi send the area while Kavya requests that he converse with Dimpy after she returns home which Vanraj rejects on the double.

Anupama gets a call from Kavya who enlightens her regarding Vanraj going to face Dimpy and Anupama says that she is finished with Mr Shah.

At the occasion, Pakhi comes before Dimpy and Titu, letting them know how she has discovered them in the act as they were accomplishing something shameless.

Pakhi focuses at Vanraj remaining external who immediately calls Dimpy improper for coming to meet Titu by misleading him and the family.

Dimpy says that she was left with no choice except for to lie as Vanraj doesn’t permit her despite the fact that she is a grown-up and has her own desires and life to live.

Vanraj says that Dimpy needs to do anything he chooses as he really focuses on Samar’s kid and needs no damage done to it.

Dimpy won’t break her companionship with Titu as she is simply old buddies with him and their kinship isn’t like that of Vanraj and Kavya.

Pakhi says that Titu and Dimpy probably wanted to go to the lodging after the occasion which triggers Titu and he requests that Pakhi shut her mouth.

Vanraj slaps Titu when Anupama comes there and asks Vanraj for what reason he is cornering Dimpy’s life to which Vanraj answers that he is the one in particular who recalls Samar.

As Vanraj requests that Anupama avoid his family, Anupama asks him for what reason she ought to pay attention to him.

Vanraj shouts that he is Vanraj Shah and everybody needs to go along to his orders.

Anupama is left stressed as Vanraj removes Dimpy with him and advises her and Pakhi that he wants to offer something critical to everybody.

End of Anupama the present episode composed update. To download Anupamaa Hindi Sequential all episodes or watch the present full episode (10 December 2023) on the web, go to

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