Anupama 5th October 2023 Written Episode 1064

Anupama 5th September 2023 Written Episode: Anupama warns Adhik

Everybody goes from the corridor. Adhik lets Romil know that this time you got saved from going to prison, however who realizes you will go next time. Romil feels hurt and offended. Pakhi additionally goes from that point. Romil sits on the couch and reviews Ankush’s words to acknowledge and apologize assuming he has done misstep, and that his head is brought down due to him today. He says I’m not hoodlum, I didn’t take. Anupama comes there and keeps hand on his shoulder, says I realize that you won’t take. She keeps warm pack on his cheeks as Ankush slapped him. He asks how could you be aware? She gets some information about the untruth locator machine and tells that a mother is the greatest falsehood identifier and she comes to know reality. She says she has brought you three kids and is raising the fourth one. She says when Toshu, Samar and Sweety was little, I used to comprehend who has broken the glass, had sweety’s frozen yogurt and so forth. She says she has perceived reality regardless of whether it is huge or little. Romil says you probably comprehended who is the genuine cheat. Anupama requests that how fault somebody until I have confirmations. She requests that he go to room, and have water and take Kanha ji’s name. She says I will see what to do. Romil says no one confided in me such a great amount previously. He gets contacted seeing her trust on him.

Anupama reviews Adhik asking Barkha not to call Police refering to family’s renown. Adhik comes to the kitchen. Anupama requests that he have desserts as he demonstrated Romil as criminal infront of everybody. Adhik inquires as to for what reason will I do this? Anupama says the staff let me know everything. Adhik says there was no one at home then? Anupama asks how could you realize that there was no one at home, when you picked the cash. He says Didi let me know that there was no staff. Anupama says your Didi didn’t tell that the cash was recuperated from the almira. She says Pakhi didn’t tell that the cash was found in almira. She says there is a distinction among smart and claiming to be shrewd, else you could not have possibly been gotten. She says your intelligence, rowdiness and lie can be stowed away from little girl’s sight however not from mother’s sight. Pakhi comes and says it is sufficient. Anupama says it is enough of you to say at some unacceptable spot and keeping quiet at the perfect locations.

She says his untruth and selling out are sufficient. Pakhi says your impedance in my wedded life is sufficient and says you will be blissful seeing us cheerful and together, and inquires as to why you need to isolate us, and inquires as to why you are behind my significant other. She inquires as to whether Nani meddled among Father and you, or meddled among Pal and you. She says in the event that you don’t quit meddling in my wedded life then I will accomplish something that you will not have anything than atonement. Anupama inquires as to whether you have gone distraught. Pakhi says on the off chance that you don’t quit pushing me then I will do some franticness, and I would not joke about this. She goes. Adhik calls Anupama and says we will end this matter here, we have seen Pakhi outrage, and I’m frightened of her annoyance. Anupama asks him not to act and get terrified of mother’s genuinely apprehensive, she expresses out loud anything she does, I won’t give her leap access the well, and says I’m not Sweety, but rather her mom, she is dazed in spouse’s affection, however I’m not visually impaired, and I won’t shut my eyes. She says I’m seeing everything, anything you have finished with Romil, Organization and so forth. She says these hands have not crushed masala on the processor, however these hands used to made chutney on silbatta, used to wash garments and so forth. She cautions him and tells that she is Sweety’s mom. She says you and your sister are constant to play game, and says when I begin playing game, then I will turn all the table and might be you won’t get opportunity to gather your packs as well. She says game is ON.

Baa advises Kinjal to get up right on time for Raksha Bandhan, and requests that Toshu get some stuff. Toshu says alright and inquires as to whether Pakhi is coming here. Baa says in the event that I call her, she will come. Dimpy says she will tie rakhi to Adhik here. Vanraj says Adhik won’t come here, and inquires as to whether you chastened or let him know anything when he lifted hand on Pakhi and says in the event that you can’t say him anything then, at that point, on the off chance that he is your sibling. He says you can proceed to tie rakhi to him. Kinjal says she will make desserts. Kavya asks will I make carrot cake as Pakhi likes it. Baa says Kinjal and I will make it, and in the event that we can’t make that we will arrange from outside. She calls Dimpy. Dimpy says she is Dimple. Baa says your name will be pimple and asks her not to battle tomorrow on celebration day. Dimpy contends. Baa inquires as to whether she wants slap. Babu ji says enough. Dimpy goes. Babu ji requests that Baa call Bhavesh and Kanta behen. Baa says they are out of city, and Meenu and cart will go to Sanjay’s home. Kinjal says Mummy, Anuj and choti Anu will come. Baa says I will call Anuj.

Anupama comes to the room and sees Anuj sitting on the couch and dozing. She keeps his records. He gets up and says I will make it happen, and expresses sorry for dozing. He pulls her nearer and talks sincerely. He says I was going through the document, and rested. He says he was thinking something. She gets some information about Romil? Anuj says I suspected as much, they are children, and will get rowdy and we will cause them to comprehend being older folks, however we can’t leave them. He says I was remembering to move Romil to a decent lodging. He says Pakhi won’t tune in against Adhik, I need to move Romil to lodging. Anupama says it is your choice, yet will I let you know something and says Romil didn’t take the cash, Adhik had kept the cash in his space to trap him. Anuj is stunned.

Adhik says Mummy made me admitted so sagaciously and supposes assuming she tells Anuj? Barkha asks what? Anuj says Adhik has denounced Romil dishonestly. Anupama says the individual who can raise on his better half, can do anything. Anuj says Bhabhi probably known it. Anupama says she most likely knows it, as she ventured back when I discussed calling Police. Anupama says it harms. Anuj says own relatives harms and sell out. Barkha says Anupama will toss us out. Adhik says her powerless nerve is in my grasp, she is my sheild and says oversmart mother’s over idiotic little girl will make me join office. Barkha says we are distant from everyone else in this battle. Adhik says we are not feeble, they embarrass us and take steps to toss us out. Anuj says they are not able to tune in and is getting more difficult, uncommonly Adhik. Anupama says they are shrewd. Anuj says until we get the verifications, Pakhi won’t concur that Adhik has done this. Anupama says until Adhik is uncovered, he will involve Pakhi as his safeguard and we can’t make it happen. Adhik says Pakhi is in my control and utilizing her, I will take over Kapadia domain. Barkha requests that he make plans for Rakhi. He says very soon I will remove Romil and Pakhi from your lives, and this will be the best gift for you.

End of Anupama the present episode composed update. To download Anupamaa Hindi Sequential all episodes or watch the present full episode (5 October 2023) on the web, go to


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