Anupama 16th October 2023 Written Episode 1075

Anupama 16th October 2023 Written Episode 1075

Anupama 16th October 2023 Written Update

The present Anupama 16th October 2023 episode begins with Malti Devi instructing dance to Anu and telling her that she will likewise turn into a craftsman very soon.

Anu grins at Malti Devi and refers to her as “Master Maa” yet Malti Devi requests that Anu address her as a grandma as she appreciates hearing that from Anu.

Recalling how Anuj cried when he found that Malti Devi was his mom, Anu asks Malti Devi to at absolutely no point ever harmed Anuj in the future or pass on him to which Malti Devi vows to Anu, expressing that she was never letting Anuj be.

Malti Devi lets Anu know that she will play, dance, and do numerous things with her after Anu says that Anupama stays miserable constantly and doesn’t give her or Anuj much time after Samar’s end.

Pakhi and Adhik come from outside and Barkha asks them what the matter is to which Pakhi answers that she would rather not tell such things before outcasts.

In the mean time, the Shah family waits around Vanraj while the specialist checks him and lets others know that Vanraj has gotten a shock because of Samar’s passing.

The specialist recommends Vanraj see a specialist or guiding as he would lose his psychological mental soundness if this propensity go on as present.

Everybody is stunned to hear such news and Leela asks God for what reason she is being rebuffed like that when her grandson passed on and presently her child is in such a condition.

Anuj lets Hasmukh know that he is leaving for home and continues to leave when he pivots and locks his eyes with Anupama.

Anupama and Anuj leave together in the vehicle and Anuj inquires as to whether she will actually want to pardon him ever in this lifetime as it is vital to him.

Anuj says that a few episodes have given him that Anupama doesn’t despise him totally and there is potential for things to return to how they were.

Anupama says that she is attempting and needs an additional opportunity to which Anuj answers that he can give her all the time she needs yet he will pass on in the event that Anupama chooses to leave him.

Somewhere else, Vanraj wakes up and finds Kavya who gives him squeeze yet Vanraj says that he really wants to get the estimations from Samar in regards to the dance foundation.

Kavya tells Vanraj that Samar was shot and is dead in the current which causes Vanraj to recollect the scene once more and he says that Samar is dead and not with them any longer.

Seeing Vanraj like that, Kavya separates into tears and informs the relatives regarding Vanraj’s condition after which all relatives choose to invest energy with Vanraj and assist him with grinning.

Simultaneously, Anuj and Anupama arrive at home and meet a lady who has accompanied her child as he has Samar’s eyes from organ gift.

Anupama recalls Samar’s eyes on seeing that kid and feeds him ladoos affectionately after which the lady expresses gratitude toward Anupama for giving his kid another birth.

After the lady and the kid leave, Anupama says that everybody ought to give their organs as the human body transforms into a heap of residue with time.

Anupama says that she ought to take care of Anu yet Malti Devi says that she has done it as of now which makes Anuj and Anupama a piece abnormal in that.

Afterward, Anuj calls Anupama to show her about Sonu getting captured by the police in view of Anuj and Vanraj’s assertions.

Anupama and Anuj become confident about Samar’s case seeing Sonu getting captured and Anuj says that it is only the start of a conflict.

End of Anupama the present episode composed update. To download Anupamaa Hindi Sequential all episodes or watch the present full episode (16 October 2023) on the web, go to


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